Can you tell us about yourself?
"Hi, my name is Keitha Norris and I have been teaching fifth grade science for seven years now at a Butler Intermediate in Quinland."
Why did you start a career in education?
"I started a career in education because, um, I love to learn. I'm a lifetime learner and uh, I want to pass that on to, to have other kids love to learn."
If you could have any other job what would it be and why?
"Also, if I were to have any other job, um, I think it would be, um, working with animals, researching animals. Um, I love science and um, I would love to work specifically with researching animals."
How are kids different now than 30 years ago?
"Uh, how are kids different today than they were 30 years ago? Um, 30 years ago, kids went to school and they played outside. Today, uh, we have all this technology. Um, they can learn from home pretty much as well as they can learn from school with all the technology."
How is teaching different now than 30 years ago?
"Uh, how is teaching different than it was 30 years ago? Again, more technology. Uh, 30 years ago there was no technology. It was old school, um, pen and paper, chalkboard. Um, now it's cell phones, iPads, laptops, um, and anything on the internet that you want to find."
What would you tell someone who wants to become a teacher?
"If I were to say anything to anyone wanting to go into teaching, um, I would say it is, um, not as easy as you think. Uh, going into it sometimes it looks pretty easy. Um, however it is very rewarding."
What is one thing you would change to help kids learn better?
"Uh, what would I change? Um, probably more hands on life experiences. Uh, have some of these classrooms outside for science instead of stuck in the classroom doing things, have them outside actually doing these activities and learning more. Hands on. Thank you."