When it comes to a learning environment, there are many variables that come into play. The obvious objective is to be able to teach the necessary information to a student who is able to fully understand and retain the information for the future. On this journey of trying to optimize student learning, it's common to hear about the one-on-one approach. Today, we're going to take a closer look at this type of learning environment from a few different perspectives to see the pros and cons that it offers each.
Teacher's Perspective
While many teachers don't really get the opportunity to do regular one-on-one learning with students, they can drastically benefit from doing so. Each child is different in their lifestyle and the way that they comprehend information. When teachers are able to sit down with an individual student, they can get to know them better and craft better learning because of that connection.
The Benefits
A one-on-one teaching session allows a teacher the possibility to discover what the student's motivations are. You can discover what their future plans are, what they like, and what they fear. This can help you to better craft your lessons around what interests the individual student. Plus, you can discover what type of learning method works best for them. For example, some students may learn better through pictures while others may learn better through talking. It makes complete sense to teach each student the material in a way they can best process it.
The Cons
While one-on-one teaching brings along many benefits from a teacher's perspective, it does have some cons as well. As a teacher, you likely want to affect the lives of as many kids as possible. When your time is solely spent on doing one-on-one learning, it can be hard to realize that change that you're making. It's not uncommon to feel like you want to do more. In the legal world that we live in, spending time with only one student can leave a teacher open to more claims than if they were teaching an entire class.
Student's Perspective
As a student, it's likely that you may think of a one-on-one session with a teacher as being punished. This is a common thought due to the portrayal of one-on-one sessions throughout the media. The truth is that one-on-one teaching sessions can be very beneficial to students and assist them in better understanding the materials that are presented.
The Benefits
Having more time specifically devoted towards your own learning of the class materials can be a big benefit. When you have a one-on-one session with a teacher it allows for less time of zoning out and more time of being present for the lesson. With the assistance of your teacher, you can feel more comfortable asking questions about the topics you just don't understand. You can receive praise in person from your teacher as opposed to missing out on it when you're in a large classroom. Also, if you miss a day of class, you don't have to worry about trying to catch up as the lesson won't go on without you being there.
The Cons
As discussed briefly above, a one-on-one session with a teacher is typically seen as a nerve-wracking experience for a student. Many feel as if they did something wrong or they aren't smart enough because they must have extra personal time with the teacher. This distorted perception could lower your self-esteem. You may also find yourself on-edge when you're in the spotlight with an authoritative figure.
The School's Perspective
Looking outside of the view of teachers and students, we also need to consider what one-on-one teaching will do from the perspective of the entire school. Only a select few schools will offer this type of teaching environment. Therefore, it's a fairly new topic to consider for many mainstream public schools throughout the nation.
The Benefits
It's no surprise that when students have one-on-one learning sessions, they tend to do better in school. This can benefit the school overall by having more higher achieving students. Teachers who work with a student in this type of learning environment are more likely to get involved with parents to share success stories and talk about problematic situations. This can help to foster the relationships between the school and the parents of the students who attend it.
The Cons
While one-on-one teaching holds many benefits for students, teachers, and the school, it doesn't come along with some cons. The major one being the fact that a school is going to need to have a large variety of teachers on staff in order to provide all students with a one-on-one teaching session. This means a great deal of money spent on staffing, which could otherwise be spent on things like technology upgrades for the students to use. Supplying the room for one-on-one sessions could be difficult to do in existing buildings. It's likely there will be many sessions going on in the same room which could withdraw many of the benefits of a personal one-on-one teaching session.
One-on-one learning is not a new topic to come up in the education system. In fact, many teachers and school administrators have been advocating for the integration of this type of teaching environment. From the perspectives of teachers, students, and the school, in general, one-on-one teaching sessions seem to have many great benefits for everyone. However, the actual application of this type of learning environment on a bigger scale seems to be most of the cons associated with it.
In the future, one-on-one learning is likely to be a more prominent path that will be taken by schools. However, there is going to need to be some sort of instruction on how to make this type of learning actually feasible in overcrowded schools and schools with low funding available. If the school systems can work together to find a reasonable solution for applying this type of teaching environment, it's likely that all teaching sessions will be converted from a large classroom atmosphere to a one-on-one learning session.
Teacher's Perspective
While many teachers don't really get the opportunity to do regular one-on-one learning with students, they can drastically benefit from doing so. Each child is different in their lifestyle and the way that they comprehend information. When teachers are able to sit down with an individual student, they can get to know them better and craft better learning because of that connection.
The Benefits
A one-on-one teaching session allows a teacher the possibility to discover what the student's motivations are. You can discover what their future plans are, what they like, and what they fear. This can help you to better craft your lessons around what interests the individual student. Plus, you can discover what type of learning method works best for them. For example, some students may learn better through pictures while others may learn better through talking. It makes complete sense to teach each student the material in a way they can best process it.
The Cons
While one-on-one teaching brings along many benefits from a teacher's perspective, it does have some cons as well. As a teacher, you likely want to affect the lives of as many kids as possible. When your time is solely spent on doing one-on-one learning, it can be hard to realize that change that you're making. It's not uncommon to feel like you want to do more. In the legal world that we live in, spending time with only one student can leave a teacher open to more claims than if they were teaching an entire class.
Student's Perspective
As a student, it's likely that you may think of a one-on-one session with a teacher as being punished. This is a common thought due to the portrayal of one-on-one sessions throughout the media. The truth is that one-on-one teaching sessions can be very beneficial to students and assist them in better understanding the materials that are presented.
The Benefits
Having more time specifically devoted towards your own learning of the class materials can be a big benefit. When you have a one-on-one session with a teacher it allows for less time of zoning out and more time of being present for the lesson. With the assistance of your teacher, you can feel more comfortable asking questions about the topics you just don't understand. You can receive praise in person from your teacher as opposed to missing out on it when you're in a large classroom. Also, if you miss a day of class, you don't have to worry about trying to catch up as the lesson won't go on without you being there.
The Cons
As discussed briefly above, a one-on-one session with a teacher is typically seen as a nerve-wracking experience for a student. Many feel as if they did something wrong or they aren't smart enough because they must have extra personal time with the teacher. This distorted perception could lower your self-esteem. You may also find yourself on-edge when you're in the spotlight with an authoritative figure.
The School's Perspective
Looking outside of the view of teachers and students, we also need to consider what one-on-one teaching will do from the perspective of the entire school. Only a select few schools will offer this type of teaching environment. Therefore, it's a fairly new topic to consider for many mainstream public schools throughout the nation.
The Benefits
It's no surprise that when students have one-on-one learning sessions, they tend to do better in school. This can benefit the school overall by having more higher achieving students. Teachers who work with a student in this type of learning environment are more likely to get involved with parents to share success stories and talk about problematic situations. This can help to foster the relationships between the school and the parents of the students who attend it.
The Cons
While one-on-one teaching holds many benefits for students, teachers, and the school, it doesn't come along with some cons. The major one being the fact that a school is going to need to have a large variety of teachers on staff in order to provide all students with a one-on-one teaching session. This means a great deal of money spent on staffing, which could otherwise be spent on things like technology upgrades for the students to use. Supplying the room for one-on-one sessions could be difficult to do in existing buildings. It's likely there will be many sessions going on in the same room which could withdraw many of the benefits of a personal one-on-one teaching session.
One-on-one learning is not a new topic to come up in the education system. In fact, many teachers and school administrators have been advocating for the integration of this type of teaching environment. From the perspectives of teachers, students, and the school, in general, one-on-one teaching sessions seem to have many great benefits for everyone. However, the actual application of this type of learning environment on a bigger scale seems to be most of the cons associated with it.
In the future, one-on-one learning is likely to be a more prominent path that will be taken by schools. However, there is going to need to be some sort of instruction on how to make this type of learning actually feasible in overcrowded schools and schools with low funding available. If the school systems can work together to find a reasonable solution for applying this type of teaching environment, it's likely that all teaching sessions will be converted from a large classroom atmosphere to a one-on-one learning session.