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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Year-Round Schooling
Year-Round Schooling 

Year-round schooling is mandatory in the United States. The school operates for 180 days, with short breaks. Students usually attend school for 45 days, then have fifteen days off. This is different than the traditional summer break. There are both advantages and disadvantages to year-round schooling. 

The Advantages of Year-Round Schooling 

1) Easing Overcrowding: Certain school districts are overcrowded. Year-round schooling operates using three separate tracks for students. Only two tracks are in school at any given time. When the yearly schedule uses a 9/3 track, the school population is automatically decreased by 33 percent. This provides better learning opportunities by keeping the classroom sizes smaller. 

2) The Ongoing Learning Process: Throughout history, students have forgotten a lot of what they learned during the traditional school year during summer vacation. This dynamic is changed with year-round schools. Information loss is decreased through a more consistent learning process. Even though the number of days the students attend remains the same, the shorter breaks enable the students to retain more information. 

3) Eliminating Boredom: Even though students look forward to a lengthy summer vacation, they become bored. Numerous families have difficulty engaging their children in activities for twelve solid weeks. Shorter breaks not only decrease boredom, there is less of a chance the kids will get into trouble. Please visit Your text to link... for additional information. 

4) Remediation Classes: Remediation is defined as re-learning what has already been learned. Remediation is necessary for the initial two to three week period when traditional school resumes after summer break. Year-round schooling handles any remediation necessary as it occurs throughout the year. This makes the process of learning more effective for the students. 

5) Summer School: Many schools have tight budgets. Summer school is usually necessary for the traditional schedule. This decreases the rate of remediation in higher risk students by ensuring they remain engaged with the basic educational elements. Year-round schools do not need to offer summer school. This reduces the expenses for the school. 

6) Additional Vacation Options for Families: The additional breaks enable families with children in year-round schools more opportunities to take a vacation together. Vacations for traditional school schedules must be scheduled during the summer or in December. It is also less expensive to travel during the off-season for a wide variety of locations. This provides a better vacation for less. 

7) The Proven Format: The year-round schedule has been successful for countries across the globe. Data from these districts has revealed remaining in school throughout the year with shorter breaks has numerous learning benefits for the students. There is excellent information available at Your text to link... on this subject. 

The Disadvantages of Year-Round Schooling 

1) Student Involvement: When students attend school for periods of just nine weeks, they have a harder time becoming involved with their work. The learning process is often more difficult to resume after a shorter break. This is especially true for students who have difficulty focusing. The process of starting and stopping throughout the year makes it difficult for numerous students to pick up where they left off. Instead of preventing disruptions, this process often creates more. 

2) The Family Schedule: Families have to cope with a lot more than supervision issues during the summer. Working parents with children in a year-round school are faced with providing their children with supervision throughout the year while juggling school and work schedules. In some cases, households with two parents are forced to have one parent remain at home to take care of the kids. Planned holidays and summer vacations must be scheduled around the calendar used by the school. 

3) Year-Round Activities: Even if the school operates throughout the year, the district does not necessarily offer competitive sports and activities all year long. The majority of high schools are not offering competitive sports or activities for a year-round schedule. Most teenagers look for a job during the summer months for some extra money or to purchase what they want. This is not possible with a year-round schedule. 

4) Building Maintenance: All buildings require regular maintenance, including schools. When the school is occupied throughout the year, it becomes difficult to perform heavy maintenance such as painting the classrooms or resurfacing the floors. The districts are forced to be proactive in the maintenance of their schools. This raises the overall cost. This means homeowners and taxpayers have no choice but to pay the added expenses. Cost increases of ten percent or more have become fairly common. 

5) The Extra-Curricular Activities: Even in the United States, a lot of teenagers have to work to support themselves. This is extremely difficult with a year-round schedule. The number of hours a teenager can legally work during a school day are regulated. Kids between the ages of fourteen and fifteen are only allowed to work three hours each day during the time school is in session. They can work a maximum of forty hours each week and eight hours per day when school is not in session. Youth employment laws mandate the student is home no later than 7:00 p.m. This adds even more limitations. For more details please visit Your text to link.... 

6) The Different Schedules of the Families: When a year-round school uses multiple tracts, families with more than one child can have children attending school on different schedules. If the school is using the 9/3 schedule and the family has three children, the chances of always having one child at home throughout the year is a very real possibility. The schools do try to make certain this does not happen. This being said, this is very different than a guarantee. This places some families in an extremely difficult financial situation. 

7) Secondary Employment for Teachers: Many teachers supplement their income by taking a part time or short term job during the summer. This option is eliminated with a year-round schedule. Teachers wages have been increasing as time passes. Despite this, the national average for a teachers salary in the United States is still less than $38,000. This is under the median income level. Some states pay teachers as little as $30,000 annually to start. This makes it incredibly difficult for many teachers to pay their bills. 

8) Environmental Issues in the Classroom: Many of the schools in the United States have been around for several decades. The last survey taken showed the average age for school building exceeds forty years. A lot of these buildings do not even have air conditioning for the students. Attempting to teach classes in this type of environment can be detrimental to the process of learning. This is especially true during the summer. 

9) The Impact on Summer Programs: Numerous nonprofit organizations and private companies rely on summer break to fund their activities. A good example are youth camps. In order to accommodate a year-round schedule, they would have to completely change the way their services are provided. Organizations such as the Girl and Boy Scouts would also need restructuring. In some cases, this is not possible. This financial impact is usually not considered when considering the disadvantages and advantages of year-round schools. 

The Bottom Line 

Year-round schools have both advantages and disadvantages. Some families thrive while others do not. The instructional time is the same for the students. Some students retain their focus while others do not. The only way to decide if this type of schedule is beneficial for the students, families and teachers is to evaluate each and every key point.

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