Can you tell us about yourself?
"My name is Tera Yelverton. I'm a third grade teacher at Quitman upper elementary school in Quitman, Mississippi. Um, I have worked for the Quitman school district for about six years, five years as an assistant and a year as a certified teacher."
Why did you start a career in education?
"I started my career in education when my son, he's a senior now when he started kindergarten. Um, I became an assistant and really loved working in the education field. But only about four years ago did I decide that I wanted to pursue my degree to become certified."
If you could have any other job what would it be and why?
"I really can't think of any other jobs that I would like to have. I just feel like teaching is what I'm called to do.
How are kids different now than 30 years ago?
I feel like kids are different now than 30 years ago. Um, there's so much more tech, have so much more knowledge in tech about technology now, um, since it's so easily, um, easily obtained. And I feel like that, that, that, you know, in a lot of ways has, is an advantage for them. However, I do feel like, you know, children 30 years ago, um, led more simplistic labs and, and, and had different attitudes and different perspectives."
How is teaching different now than 30 years ago?
"Teaching I feel like is different now because of the technology. Again, I'm also, you know, teaching is becoming more student led than teacher led. You know, 30 years ago the teacher stood in front of the children the whole day and taught them."
What would you tell someone who wants to become a teacher?
"If I was to tell someone, um, talk to someone who's wanting to become a teacher, I would say do it while you're young. Cause I was 40 when I came, went back to school. Um, also, um, it, it's a tough process to get your degree, but it's so well worth it. Um, when you're doing something that you love."
What is one thing you would change to help kids learn better?
"One thing I would change now, um, for kids to learn better would be, um, to take away all of the distractions that, that they bring with them from home and, and have at school. Um, they've been exposed to so many things, um, that I feel like get in the way of their learning. And, um, that's what I would change."