7 Questions With Michelle Lewis
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Hi, my name is Michelle Lewis. I teach a Kettering Middle School. I am a seventh grade math teacher and the mathematics department chair. My school is located in upper Marlboro, Maryland and I've been here for approximately seven or eight years." ...
7 Questions With Jordan Souza
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Hi, my name is Jordan Souza. I am a first year teacher at Kelsey Bell Elementary in Northern California. I teach second grade." Why did you start a career in education? "I have always wanted to be a teacher since I...
7 Questions With Anna McIntosh
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Hello. My name is Anna McIntosh and I've been teaching at Anatole Avenue Elementary school for 20 years. Uh, Anatolia is located in Van Nuys, California." Why did you start a career in education? "Started a career in teaching in education...
7 Questions With Tiffany Ledford
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Hello. My name is Tiffany Ledford. I am a first grade teacher at Leroy Massey Elementary School. I've been teaching at LMEs for five years, all of which have been in first grade." Why did you start a career in education?...
7 Questions With Erica Switzer
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Hi, my name is Erica Switzer and I'm a fifth grade teacher at Franklin School of Innovation in Colorado. Um, I have been working here for two years as a, as a teacher and I got to spend one year here before...
7 Questions With Megan Forti
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Hi, my name is Megan Forti. I work at little John elementary in DeKalb Illinois. I am a third grade bilingual teacher and this is my third year." Why did you start a career in education? "I started a career in...
7 Questions With Molly Lowe
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Hi, my name is Molly Lowe and I teach at Lathrop Elementary School in Lathrop, California. I'm a third grade teacher and I've been here for almost five years." Why did you start a career in education? "Started in education back...
7 Question With Lindsay Nichols
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Hi, my name is Lindsay Nichols. I am the gifted and talented education teacher at Lockmar elementary in Palm Bay, Florida. I am currently in my 12th year teaching. I taught seven years at Lockmar, moved to another school for five. And...
7 Questions With Wendy Astrologo
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Hi, I'm Wendy Astrologo. My students call me Ms.Astro. I work at Meadowview Elementary School in Radcliffe, Kentucky. I'm an instructional assistant and, um, I work with first through fifth grade. Um, February 8th will me my one year anniversary of working...
7 Questions With Shannon Payne
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Good morning. This is my 7 Question submission for TFD Supplies. Um, my name is Shannon Payne. I teach at Achievable Dream Middle and High School where I teach high school sciences, including earth science, astronomy, anatomy and marine biology. Uh, the...
7 Questions With Lindsay Osborn
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Hi. Um, my name is Lindsay Osborne. I'm in Liberal, Kansas. Um, I teach at Cottonwood Elementary School, uh, for fifth grade. Um, I've been here for five years, five and a half years." Why did you start a career in...
7 Questions With Angela Miller
Listen Watch Can you tell us about yourself? "Hello. My name is Angela Miller. I teach at Jefferson Elementary. Um, I teach fifth grade. This is my eighth year here. Um, fifth grade is basically the only grade that I taught. Um, when I was student teaching nine years ago,...