Should We Do Away With Tenure?
There is some debate around the topic of tenure. Supporters of tenure argue that tenure serves as an incentive for educators to work harder. Those in opposition of tenure argue that tenure makes it more difficult to dismiss an educator for inappropriate actions. The topic of tenure can be a complex...
Voucher Program for Higher Quality Education
Funding for education in 2020 has increased and the increase in money will allow for more freedom to be given to the states to decide how to use the money. The government is offering more money for teacher's to receive customized development. There will also be money allotted to provide teacher's...
Dealing With a Challenging Child
As educators, it is inevitable that we will encounter challenging students throughout the course of our careers. While there are no sure-fire strategies to handle these students, there are some classroom management techniques that can help minimize disruptive behavior in the classroom and address it effectively when it does happen.Remain...
How Hard to Push Our Children in Academia
Many educators debate how hard they should push their students. Should they allow students to work at their own speed and flourish naturally or should they design a rigorous curriculum that encourages them to expand their knowledge base? For most students, an academically challenging curriculum can help them succeed in...
Do we need national education standards?
Yes! We absolutely need national educational standards. Sadly, many may not know the history of educational standards in our country just before the Common Core State Standards began, and they may not understand why it was essential to make the transition from individual state standards to the Common Core. History - Inch...
Challenges Students Don't Face Any Longer in 2019
Long gone are the days where students had to write notes on small chalkboards, walk over miles to their school, and have only one school to choose from in order to receive their education. With the rampant increase in technology, the landscape of the classroom has changed dramatically. While some...
One on One Education
When it comes to a learning environment, there are many variables that come into play. The obvious objective is to be able to teach the necessary information to a student who is able to fully understand and retain the information for the future. On this journey of trying to optimize...
The Right Age To Start Homework
There ‘s the popular question of which age is right to start giving students homework. But believe it or not, this is not an easy question to answer. It’s not only age that’s a factor, it’s also whether your students can handle the difficulty of the tasks as well as...
5 Ideas To Help the United States Education System
Idea#1: Schools of the United States Must Focus on Accountability The accountability of the schools of America depends on whether the students are held to high standards. Accountability may not be popular, but it will eliminate the achievement gap between underperforming schools and those that are performing well. Unfortunately, all too often...
Why Doesn't the USA Dominate Test Scores?
Though American higher education is the envy of the rest of the world, U.S. students struggle to compete with other young scholars abroad. American academic accomplishments tend to pale in comparison with the achievements of students from Singapore or Finland. What could be the story behind the lack of aptitude...
The Problem of Negative Parental Attitudes Toward School
In this article, I am going to examine the effects of parental attitudes toward school on their children. Numerous studies have been conducted regarding the effects of parental attitudes on their children. Oftentimes parents' income levels influence their children's performance at school. In low income families, parents may find it difficult to...
Pros and Cons of Pass/Fail Grading
A pass-fail grading system is exactly as it is – a student receives either a pass or a fail mark instead of the traditional number or letter grading system. Some educators prefer this grading system since they see it as something advantageous to both the faculty and students, given the...