1. On January 15, 1912, New Mexico was admitted as the 47th state of the United States, becoming the first state to have a Hispanic governor.
2. In 1947, the first flight of the X-1 rocket-powered airplane took place at what is now called Edwards Air Force Base in California. The X-1 was designed and built by a team led by New Mexico native and aerospace engineer Dr. Theodore von Kármán.
3. On January 15, 1951, businessman and entrepreneur Warren Buffett established his first investment partnership in Omaha, Nebraska. Buffett, who later became one of the wealthiest people in the world, grew up in Omaha and attended the University of Nebraska before moving to New York City.
4. In 1973, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Sandia National Laboratories' Microelectronics Development Laboratory (MDL) took place in Albuquerque, New Mexico. MDL was established to develop technology for the United States' nuclear weapons program.
5. On January 15, 2018, the New Mexico State Legislature passed the "Rocketeer Act," a bill that provides a tax break for businesses that invest in commercial spaceflight in the state. The bill was designed to attract commercial space companies to New Mexico and boost the state's economy.
5 Fun Facts About January 15 In New Mexico History
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