1. Statehood Day: July 1, 1890 marks the day of South Dakota's official statehood. Prior to that, it was considered as part of the Dakota Territory.
2. Mount Rushmore Completion: On July 1, 1941, the Mount Rushmore National Memorial was completed after 14 years of work. The faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln were carved into the granite mountain by sculptor Gutzon Borglum and his team of workers.
3. Deadwood Opens for Settlers: In 1876, a group of gold prospectors discovered gold in Deadwood Gulch, which led to the creation of the town of Deadwood. On July 1 of that year, the town officially opened for settlement, leading to an influx of miners, merchants and other settlers.
4. First Woman Governor: On July 1, 1933, South Dakota's first woman governor, Ella Grasso, was born in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. Grasso served as the governor of Connecticut from 1975 until 1980.
5. State Flag Adopted: On July 1, 1963, the current state flag of South Dakota was adopted. The flag features a blue field with a yellow sun in the center, surrounded by the state name and the motto "Under God the People Rule."
5 Fun Facts About July 1 In South Dakota History
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