1. The first automobile race in Michigan history took place on May 25, 1895 in Grosse Pointe. The race was organized by the Detroit Bicycle Club and the winner was Charles Brady King, driving the King-Teetzel automobile.
2. On May 25, 1915, the SS Eastland, a passenger ship that was docked in the Chicago River, suddenly rolled over, causing 844 passengers and crew members to drown. Many of the victims were from Michigan, as the ship was owned by the St. Joseph-Chicago Steamship Company, which was headquartered in St. Joseph.
3. The first television broadcast in Michigan history took place on May 25, 1948 in Detroit. WWJ-TV, which was owned by the Detroit News, broadcast a test pattern and a brief announcement before signing off for the night.
4. Comedian and actress Lily Tomlin was born in Detroit on May 25, 1939. Tomlin is known for her roles in movies such as "9 to 5" and "All of Me," as well as her one-woman show "The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe."
5. The first African American woman to be elected to the Michigan House of Representatives, Alma Wheeler Smith, was born on May 25, 1937 in New York City. Smith served in the Michigan House from 1995 to 2002 and ran unsuccessfully for Governor in 2010.
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