1. On November 11, 1918, World War I officially ended. Georgia played a significant role in the war effort, sending thousands of soldiers to fight on behalf of the United States. The Armistice Day commemoration honors the end of the war and recognizes the sacrifices made by those who served.
2. Georgia is home to several military bases and installations that have played a vital role in the defense of the country. On November 11, we honor the men and women who have served and continue to serve at these installations, including Fort Benning, Fort Stewart, and Robins Air Force Base.
3. On November 11, 1921, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was dedicated in Arlington National Cemetery. The tomb honors the unidentified remains of soldiers who were killed in action, and Georgia has its own monument dedicated to the Unknown Soldier at Memorial Park Cemetery in Atlanta.
4. November 11 is also the birthday of former President Jimmy Carter, who was born in Plains, Georgia in 1924. Carter is known for his work as a humanitarian and philanthropist, and he has dedicated much of his life to promoting peace and human rights.
5. Finally, November 11 is a day of remembrance for those who have lost their lives in service to their country. Georgia has a number of memorials and monuments dedicated to fallen soldiers, including the Georgia Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Atlanta and the Chatham County Veterans Memorial. On this day, we honor their sacrifice and never forget their bravery and selflessness.
5 Fun Facts About November 11 In Georgia History
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