1. On September 21, 1912, New Hampshire became the first state in the country to institute a minimum wage law for women and children. The law required that all women and minors receive at least $8 for a six-day workweek.
2. In 1780, a group of New Hampshire soldiers led by Major Robert Rogers was ambushed by Native Americans in the Battle of Shelburne. The battle was a significant defeat for the Colonial forces, and Rogers and many of his men were captured.
3. On September 21, 1938, the Great New England Hurricane struck the region, causing widespread damage and loss of life. In New Hampshire alone, more than 16,000 homes were destroyed or damaged, and 13 people lost their lives.
4. On September 21, 1982, New Hampshire's famous Old Man of the Mountain rock formation collapsed due to natural erosion. The formation, located in Franconia Notch State Park, had been a beloved symbol of the state for many decades.
5. In 1866, the New Hampshire Agricultural College was founded in Hanover, NH. Today, it is known as the University of New Hampshire, and is one of the state's largest and most respected institutions of higher education.
5 Fun Facts About September 21 In New Hampshire History
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